Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Out Going Mail

I have always thought there was a out going mailbox in my Condos. I guess I was wrong. I do know at one time there was one, but now its gone.
I woke u to get ready for the day and I realized that I have a long due letter that needed to go out. I walk out to the public mail box’s in my condominium’s and poof it was gone. I walked around the whole block of mailboxes thinking maybe they moved it or replaced it. I had no success in finding it. I stood there for a minute and scratched my head. Now I know there was one here but where did it go and now what do I do? will I have to walk out my door every hour to peek around the corner to see if there is a mail truck?
Yuppers and that is what I did. My mailman hunting began at 8am…..
9am I do a cheek and nothing.
10am I do a check and there he is I grab my shoes and the letter and run down to the mailboxes. as I am running to the mailman he drives away, but I keep running thinking I would be able to catch him before he pulls out of the drive. long winded and huffing and puffing I had no success just as I got half way the mailman had pulled out completely and is now on the major road.
I think that now I am going to have to run to the neighboring Apartments and jump the wall. Which being only 5’2 is harder than imagined.
So as I am attempting to jump the wall the other side is a father drop and so I tumbled down the wall and took off running for the location of the mail section of the complex. I have realized that I am one shoe missing I have to stop and grab my shoe and put it back on in a hurry jumping closer to where I was.
I finally start getting closer to the mail section and sense I am not a resident i don’t have the key to the mail section that I am coming up to and see the Mail Man parked smoking a cigarette with his phone close to his face taking a break. Oh my gosh  really…. I really never thought in all that to get here I would see the mail man taking a smoke brake.
I yell through the 12ft metal gate asking him if there was a change in the out going mail box at my Condo’s. The mailman didn’t even look up at me and says “there is one at subway”. Oh well thanks…… but sense I am here can I just give it to you? I asked him kindly. The mailman didn’t even look up and put his cigarette in his mouth and put out his hand and says here. …
uhmmmm. I don’t live here I tell him and I don’t have a key to open gate. The mailman sighed and got up still looking at his phone and walked to me and grab the letter out my hand and says thanks! No thank you I say to him.
I walk back to this wall and try to find a lower section to climb across and get back to my side as I shake my head to thinking what the Hell was that?
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