Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Living the City Lyfe

December 21 was a wonderful day of Lyfe. This day is when the Female Music Artist City Lyfe has been born into this world!
BIO written by City Lyfe:
"brushing my shoulders off, caution sweepers ahead….I'm up late night like a diesel while you laying in bed....
It is safe to say, when thinking of Phoenix, Arizona, the words "desert", "heat", "slow", and even "wild" come to mind. Knowing this city's history, from the days of the Cowboy West, to the expansion of the cartel drug trade route, and even the meteoric rise of the sports scene, the words "new" and "undiscovered" take on a shape of its own. The same is to
be said about me, aka City Lyfe.
Born in the western high plains of Lubbock, Texas, City Lyfe was exposed to the “Giant Side of Texas" and the ideals and morals of life through music. Moving to Phoenix, AZ at a very young age with her mother and Step Father, she began life in the desert as a toddler. City Lyfe's mother, Annetta, saw a star early in life, and persistently advised the young perfectionist towards the clarinet, guitar, piano, dancing and anything of music nature. The instruments and the passion for music itself drove City towards writing music in junior high school, where she believed the stardom could be a reality. She gravitated towards Lauryn Hill and KRS-One, giving her both insight and influence. Allowing school to be a
#1 priority, it wasn't until an opportunity to perform with group Milli Styles, did Miss City Lyfe, known as Solo at the time a chance to begin shining.
Solo was introduced to the lead member of Milli Styles by her best friend at the time, and there was no
mistaking the obvious talent of the artist who too would eventually lead the group. Consistency became key and gave Solo the needed edge to standout from those of her group. With many long days and restless nights, Solo would work to exhibit skills as a vocalist and writer of song concepts to rock the stage.
Performing at The Mason Jar on her first live show, Solo became "Choklit City", an artist shaped and molded by ancestors past, through her beautiful brown features, to her queen-like demeanor. As a member of Milli Styles, City began to see her skill grow. Being a fan of Missy Elliot, she saw her artistry expand from hip-hop to R&B to even pop music.
Soon after, she had a chance op to meet up with members made up of Junior High, and High School friends known as Dominant Breed. With growth taking place it became easier for City to understand the business of entertainment better.
This came to be the change that City needed to ascend to greater heights. Co-releasing "Gender" and "Twilyte Zone", the road led to performances, larger audiences, and a greater hip-hop appreciation. The Queens understanding of business grew once more. City's growth inspired a transition for a more marketable name that defined the life and place lived by the artist who became City Lyfe.
Though City Lyfe had many phases in life this did not stop the surrounding supporters from keeping up with the artist and all she brought to the table musically. City Lyfe released "With All Due Respect" and other mix-tape projects that would be distributed in other states as well as locally. Giving up on her music was far from a thought as City Lyfe continued with a humbled persona. Through her musical journey her superlative personality captivated the audience and further rewarded her with performances at Birthday parties, Junteenth, College Pep rallies, auditoriums, Arizona State Fair, and trips outside of Phoenix. City Lyfe thrived with determination and ambition to achieve all
things possible within her music career and released "Concrete Jungle" in 2012. This rewarded her "album of the year" at the Arizona Hoodie awards, recognizing Arizona's local artist and their accomplishments.
Her role in the creative world of music wouldn't stop there as she continued with Co-releasing "Work Flow" a project which consisted of a duo member team, she and a longtime friend developed. City Lyfe has been selected and chosen for nationwide release mix-tapes and various projects around the world as way to expand her music.
As we approach a new dawn in music. Where style is not identified by coastal affiliations, or gender bias the life of artist lives and dies on creativity. A place where City Lyfe thrives and allows change to be the rule of the day, a woman that is untainted by trend, or whom she works with, A true Queen in her own right rising high and fast. City Lyfe continues as an unsigned hype in Phoenix, Az where she has gained the support of many fans and representation to do what it takes.
From Twitter to Instagram, to Facebook and Youtube, City Lyfe works to cover all avenues of social media and music web streaming for noticeability. Nothing for the artist has been glitter and gold, and certainly has been a challenge to overcome. City Lyfe's biggest motivation stems from her passion, and hunger to relay the message of reality and personal experiences through her music.
Stay Tuned…
For Booking:
Mobile: 6023175553
City Lyfe
City Lyfe
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Thursday, November 13, 2014

Things to do for the November and December months for the Holidays in Arizona

Holiday Festivals and Things to do

Zoolights - Nov 24th - Jan 11th
5:30pm - 10:30pm
455 Galvin Pkwy
Phoenix, AZ

Downtown Glendale - Nov 28th and 29th

Tempe Lights Prade  - Nov 29th
Mill ave to 3rd st

Desert Ridge Market Place
21001 N Tatam Blvd
 - First snow - Nov 29th
5pm - 8pm
- Holiday Skating - Nov 28th - 30th
11am- 9pm : Friday and Saturday
11am - 6pm : Sunday
- Nightly Snow Falls
Nov 19th- Dec 24th

-Tree lighting
Free Santa Photos
- Ice Skating
Nov 22nd- 29th
- Santa
Nov25th - Dec24th
- Carriage rides
Friday and Saturday
- Nightly Snow Fall
Nov25th - Dec24th
7pm for 8 mins
8pm for 8 mins

Norterra Shopping Centers
2460 W Happy Valley Road
Phoenix, 623-582-9599
- Black Friday
Nov 28th
- Santa
Nov29th, Dec 6th, 13th, and 20th
accross from Harkins theater
- Christmas with Corvettes
Dec 12th
- Snow Fall
7pm and 8pm
Live music

Fashion Square Mall
3111 W Chandler Blvd
Nov8th - Dec 24th

Arrowhead Mall
7700 W Arrowhead Towne Center
Glendale, AZ
Nov1st - Dec 24th

Santan Village
2218 E Williams Field rd
Nov15th - Dec 24th

Paisley Pumpkin Holiday Street Fairs
2218 E Williams Field rd
Nov 8th, 15th and 22nd

Superstition Springs Center
6555 E. Southern ave
Nov7th - Dec24th

Charming Pony Parties Winter Fair
19814 S McQueen rd
Nov28th - Dec 23rd

City Skate
Central Ave
1 Washigton st.
Nov 22nd - Feb 3rd
$12 adults
$6 children

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Thursday, October 23, 2014

Neighbor calls the police because she received weird packages on doorstep

Yesterday evening my neighbor was knocking at my door. When I answered, she had asked me "if I had received a package on my door step"? I said "no, why what going on"? She said "well when I got home from work there was several weird looking packages in front of my door" and she showed me a picture. It was a Pepsi can cut in half with tape around the cut, a yellow looking small box with tape all around it to hold it closed and another weird looking container with tape all around it as well.
She tells me "I don't know what it is or where it came from and I think I am going to call the police because I am scared to remove it or open it". I tell her "I can do it if you want". She says "no I am just going to call the police, just to be on the safe side".

My neighbor really thinks it could be a bomb, drugs or weapons of some sort to hurt her. Oh I forgot to tell you she is a family doctor so she also thinks it could be a viral viruses.

So I go back inside and sit on my balcony and await for the police to arrive. I actually thought it would take them a few hours to get here, but one officer arrived 20 minutes later.
Now my boyfriend and I are watching off my Balcony to see what and how the police officer act with these weird packages and now my boyfriend is videoing this as well.

The office go to the packages and picks them up with out gloves and looks at each of the packages and sits them back down. Then the office goes back to his car and drives it around to another space so his headlights will be one the packages. The officer grabs some gloves and opens each of the packages and sets the items on his hood of his car, which we are a far distance and can't see what he is pulling out. The officer then goes to neighbors door and has her come out and look at the items, I see her shake her head and goes back into her home. At this point another officer arrives to the packages.

By now me and my boyfriend has realized that the packages are not a bomb, and he stops recording. but what was in the packages?

The offices put the items in a bag get in their vehicles and drive away.
I really am interested in what was in the packages....
Me and my boyfriend decide to walk over to my neighbors and ask her what was in the packages?

The neighbor answers her door and I ask well.... what was in the packages. She chuckles and say action figurines  and toys. 4
What? really? I cant stop laughing....

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Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Out Going Mail

I have always thought there was a out going mailbox in my Condos. I guess I was wrong. I do know at one time there was one, but now its gone.
I woke u to get ready for the day and I realized that I have a long due letter that needed to go out. I walk out to the public mail box’s in my condominium’s and poof it was gone. I walked around the whole block of mailboxes thinking maybe they moved it or replaced it. I had no success in finding it. I stood there for a minute and scratched my head. Now I know there was one here but where did it go and now what do I do? will I have to walk out my door every hour to peek around the corner to see if there is a mail truck?
Yuppers and that is what I did. My mailman hunting began at 8am…..
9am I do a cheek and nothing.
10am I do a check and there he is I grab my shoes and the letter and run down to the mailboxes. as I am running to the mailman he drives away, but I keep running thinking I would be able to catch him before he pulls out of the drive. long winded and huffing and puffing I had no success just as I got half way the mailman had pulled out completely and is now on the major road.
I think that now I am going to have to run to the neighboring Apartments and jump the wall. Which being only 5’2 is harder than imagined.
So as I am attempting to jump the wall the other side is a father drop and so I tumbled down the wall and took off running for the location of the mail section of the complex. I have realized that I am one shoe missing I have to stop and grab my shoe and put it back on in a hurry jumping closer to where I was.
I finally start getting closer to the mail section and sense I am not a resident i don’t have the key to the mail section that I am coming up to and see the Mail Man parked smoking a cigarette with his phone close to his face taking a break. Oh my gosh  really…. I really never thought in all that to get here I would see the mail man taking a smoke brake.
I yell through the 12ft metal gate asking him if there was a change in the out going mail box at my Condo’s. The mailman didn’t even look up at me and says “there is one at subway”. Oh well thanks…… but sense I am here can I just give it to you? I asked him kindly. The mailman didn’t even look up and put his cigarette in his mouth and put out his hand and says here. …
uhmmmm. I don’t live here I tell him and I don’t have a key to open gate. The mailman sighed and got up still looking at his phone and walked to me and grab the letter out my hand and says thanks! No thank you I say to him.
I walk back to this wall and try to find a lower section to climb across and get back to my side as I shake my head to thinking what the Hell was that?
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Friday, September 26, 2014

Under the Mask

People wearing mask My collections.

Under these mask are Faces with Personalities of all different shape and sizes, nationalities, male and female, beautiful and ugly, tall and short, but no matter what they are all BEAUTIFUL people on the inside!
A mask is worn on the face usually to Hide or protect themselves and there identities. The appearance that misrepresents the true character of Something and Someone.
Blue Rapture Photography
Photographer - Kalyn Loe
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Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Music Artist - Tony Noyes


Plays rock and roll music the type of crowd seems to be wild and crazy woman that he draws to listen to his music.
if Tony could play one song to the President of the United States he would play big dumb sex by Soundgarden.
Dreams and goals that he has is to be happy and successful in anything he does.
Inspires him individually is challenges.
The hardest part about working with other players in the music industry is learning to accept everyone and their decisions.
Advice you can give others to keep your dreams alive and to achieve them is to never quit take the ups and downs with what it is.
When he was in elementary school he wanted to be an astronaut or scientist when he grew up.
If he could change the world of music he would change digital downloading sales and go back to album sales.
Beautiful artwork is what inspires him to get tattoos.
Tony has about 10 to 15 hours of ink in.
The artist of his best tattoos is his self in his son and Gordo from wicked images.
His favorite tattoo is this call with the microphone The Punisher the Sun he drew it on his wrist in the rippers that's what I do.
Gordo from wicked images is located in Phoenix Arizona.
He was 30 years old when he started to get tattoos and body art his ears for his first of piercings.
Tony sees himself as a motivator.
His home life is like to play video games with the Son and you drink beer.
Tony's pet peeves is laziness and people who judge or s*** talkers. 
Tony has been a music artist for 26 years still likes to write his own music and he gets inspirations from his son and his life.
all musicians are his favorite artist to play with. 
He does do benefits and causes cancer benefits and animals. 
Being a music artist does not go to his head with the fame he tries to be down to earth.
Likes to play for the love in the same in the beginning then he decided to do it for fun and now for the love of people and entertaining. 
Tony heroes are his mom and dad.
The first song he ever remembers is happy birthday.
If Tony wasn't a music artist He thinks He would be an actor or a film director. 
Tony dose play guitar keyboards harmonica bass spoons and triangle. 
Tony thinks it's great that the tattoo nation is growing happy to see that it's more accepted.

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