Wednesday, June 11, 2014

2014 Phoenix Comicon

2014 Phoenix Comicon
This year’s Comicon in Phoenix Arizona has an expected of 70,000 people this year. (abc News source).2013 drew a crowd of people in as of 55,000 people that had attended the event.  The Comicon is the Largest Comic Nerd festival in the nation. The Comicon is a National Event and this is the 14th annual Convention.
People join forces and part their way to come to the Down town District Phoenix Arizona Mesa Convention Center. It doesn’t matter if you spend up to $50.00 for a ticket to go inside and attend all the events, or maybe you want to check out the venders inside. Walking out side downtown Phoenix is also another adventure. This is free besides the gas for your drive downtown and 30.00 parking fees.
However you want to spend your weekend enjoying the Comicon is your new fun moments.
To make sure that this adventure will be a wonderful moment for you there was over 300 volunteers to make sure the Comicon runs smoothly. When standing in lines for tickets, a Police officer was sitting at booth exhausted eating a 2 pound burrito.  He had said, “the south building was like swimming upstream and it was horrid walking against the people to get to an emergency.”
Walking from event to event be very mind stimulating. No matter where you looked something was going on or walking by as a haunted house or a weird creature. Not knowing all my characters was a hot mess for me, I was calling everyone Pikachu!
The registration is passing out booklets with all the events, vendors’ star guest and advertisement’s, it is literally 89 pages long. I received the programming guide on Thursday and it took me almost two days to read everything that was going on. After I had read all the wonderful things I wanted to do without getting lost, the events had already passed me up. Maybe the programming guide needs to be revised for people like me and have a shorter version for dummies.
Thursday night to start the event of up comes a fire alarm malfunction, so if you are walking around inside with the wonderful air condition, now you will have to evacuate and go outside in this beautiful Arizona heat of 110degrees. Lovely, how does the trigger from heat sensors go wrong and go off during one of the largest events? Here comes the Fire Marshalls
At the beginning of the South building, you will walk by one of the coolest venders, the Moon Mermaid Lagoon. Seeing the Mermaids made me so jealous and I wanted to jump into the huge pool of mermaids with them. On to the side you will find a gentlemen named Ryan, now Ryan has the hardest job in the whole convention! Ryan’s Job is to carry the mermaids from on spot to the other around the pool of mermaid’s area.  What a lucky job!
Going to the North Building pushing threw the crowds walking up to the celebrities section, which me and several others were trying to see them but has no success, here is a triple cover of a black cloth around the expo, But far from an eyes view in the far back is Danny Glover. In front of the rope is a sign say’s “No pictures”... What are you kidding me? Another sign says meet and greet Danny Glover for $50.00. Uhmmm what a disappointment. I slowly raise my camera pretending to take a picture of people around the rope and a heavy set older guy comes running at me and the pictures had been deleted before he reached me.  That was a close call, I really didn’t want to be dismissed from the expo because I didn’t want to pay a fee to see Danny Glover.
Adventures continued to the hotel Hyatt Regency. I heard that they are having a huge party and my thoughts are wondering what could be going on in there. So my walk to several blocks away from the main building of the expo begins. Back outside I go and pass a guy with a guitar, I raise my camera and he turns his back to me. I turn to the other side of him and he turns his back to me again.. What the hell is this guy’s problem? His case is open and only has a dollar in it. I know understand why he only has one dollar, shit he doesn’t want any attention showed because he keeps turning his back against me. Wouldn’t you want your picture token and I throw a couple pity dollars in your case? “But turning your back on me or anyone else, isn’t going to get your case filled mister”
The monsters, the creatures, the people keep walking into me. I guess only being 5’3 is not tall enough for people to see. I was told maybe I should of put a Sim’s light on top of my head and then people would see me. A Sim’s light, what I would die. There is no one on the computer to feed me!
Walking into this party, to the left side of entrance is a full beer, wine and hard liquor bar. Wow this is where the party is at! I didn’t think I would need a drink walking into this room. Also this was the only spot in the expo so far that I have found where I can get drunk at.
MINECRAFT Party! Oh I see now why the beer was at the entrance you will need several drinks to walk in this room and watch children of all ages run around the ballroom with large boxes on their heads!  I get it now! Looking around this party is about 20 tables with sadden and drunken parents watch their children run around this room with boxes on their heads, forming a train, dancing around with a dj at the stage, TV screens with minecraft videos playing and laptops on the side of the room with games and games of minecraft.
What a sight to see.
Cosplay is the act of “dressing up and pretending to be a fictional character”.  Usually a Sci-Fi, Comic Book, Anime Character, Disney Character or a horror character from a movie. Men and women all are doing this as you do for Halloween. The outfits may or may not be appropriate for children’s eyes or maybe your own.  To this there is a group committed to rooting out sexual harassments. “Geeks for CONsent” I really never thought until now that there was a problem with this. I have learned that someone in the past years have collected pictures of the women’s characters butt’s. The person has made a complete website of this.  Now I am not a Cosplayer but I do know that if I choose to dress up as Poison Ivy, Poison Ivy really doesn’t have much clothing. People are going to take pictures and videos of me in my very revealing outfit. So the smartness has to be in to play do I want that kind of attention? Do I really want a chance of my butt to made public to perverted sources. Well so I am just saying there is always a chance of someone taking from your fun and making it into their own. Maybe just to perfect yourself maybe a less revealing outfit….?   So I am glad that there is group committed to try to prevent these actions from being taking.
Back on to the streets I go and on 3rd st I run into a wonderful car show to show off all the zombie killing to Transforming vehicles. I should have paid more attention to and asked for locations of them just in case there ever is a Zombie apocalypse.  Well I guess I will have to wait for October to come and find the location from the Oct Zombie walk.
Also outside on 3rd st you can see the medieval knights fighting their way to show you how you can kill someone with a sword. I really didn’t think they would really be trying to kill those self’s. One small turn of the knife should actually hurt someone! The power of their hits and blows is scaring the crap out of me even though I know they are wearing protective gear I just don’t want to watch someone die this weekend because of wardrobe malfunction. So I don’t have much to post on this subject besides they are recruiting victims.
Walking around this event I am seeing more and more people with tattoos. The tattoos that I am seeing are more of the out of the mind tattoos of fictional characters. Wonderful Hanna and beautiful artwork of the Tattoo land. So Many Tattoo colors. If there was any tattoo artist vendors at least passing out there information I am sure they would be making a killing from the leads they would of received from one of the largest events in town. But as too a disappointment I saw none! Yes I do know it was not the Tattoo convention and this was a Comicon but if one tattoo artist was smart they would have known that these cosplayers love these events and would have loved to be inked on of their fictional characters!  Maybe for future events and thoughts maybe one artist will promote their work at the next year’s event!
Thank you and see you Cosplayers Next year and have a great year!
Kalyn – Blue Rapture Photography
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Photography Kalyn
Blue Rapture Photography